Webflow Business Site Plan

Webflow Business Site PlanWebflow Business Site Plan
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Designed for high-traffic and complex websites, the Webflow Business Site Plan is the perfect solution for large businesses. It offers advanced functionality and expanded capacity, this plan excels in handling extensive content, heavy traffic & sophisticated site structures. Since it doesn't offer ecommerce, it falls into the category of Webflow's general site plans. To learn more about the various categories of plans, visit out Webflow pricing article.

Business Site Plan Costs

  • $39 per month when billed yearly (yearly total $468)
  • $49 per month when billed monthly (yearly total $588)

Yearly billing offers a more cost-effective solution compared to monthly billing.

Who Is It Suited For?

  • Large Businesses and Organizations: Tailored for large-scale businesses and sites with significant visitor traffic, offering the infrastructure to support complex digital demands.
  • Dynamic Content Platforms: Ideal for platforms that publish frequent, high-volume content like major blogs, news sites, and digital magazines.
  • Advanced Corporate and Media Sites: Ideal for sophisticated corporate websites and media platforms needing high-performance features for comprehensive, professional online presence.

What can you use it for?

  • Large Programmatic SEO Projects: Ideal for creating and managing large volumes of SEO-optimized pages through automated processes, supported by up to 10,000 CMS items.
  • Scalable Web Projects: Manage and execute large web projects that require substantial content management and high visitor capacity.
  • Comprehensive Content Management: Ideal for sites that need advanced tools for managing a vast array of content, including blogs, articles, and multimedia galleries.

Key Features of the Business Site Plan

  • Increased CMS Items: Supports over 10,000 CMS items for extensive content management.
  • High-Traffic Capacity: Accommodates up to 300,000 monthly visits and 400 GB of bandwidth.
  • Form File Upload: Enables file uploads through forms, enhancing interaction and functionality.
  • Frequent Site Search Indexing: Features enterprise-grade site search indexing frequency at Auto: 12 hours and Manual: Hourly, ensuring content is quickly searchable.

Limitations of the Business Site Plan

  • Static Page Limit: Capped at 150 static pages, which may be restrictive for extremely large or complex websites.
  • Standard Security Features: Lacks additional advanced security options, which might be a concern for large businesses requiring enhanced security measures.
  • Resource Constraints: May not fully meet the demands of highly resource-intensive or top-ranking sites requiring even more robust infrastructure.

CMS vs. Business vs. Enterprise Site Plan Comparison

Feature CMS ($23) Business ($39) Enterprise (Custom)
Publish to webflow.io Yes Yes Yes
Publish to a custom domain Yes Yes Yes
Remove Webflow badge Yes Yes Yes
Publishing workflows - - Yes
Publish summary - - Yes
Static pages 150 150 Custom
Form submissions 1000/month 2500/month Custom
Localization preview Yes Yes Yes
Site password protection Yes Yes Yes
Page password protection - Yes Yes
Custom code Yes Yes Yes
Site search Yes Yes Yes
Search indexing frequency Auto: 72 hours Manual: Daily Auto: 12 hours Manual: Hourly Auto: 12 hours Manual: Hourly
Form file upload - Yes Yes
User Accounts 20 20 Custom
Logic flows 20 Logic flows; 10,000 flow executions/month 20 Logic flows; 10,000 flow executions/month Custom
Content editors 3 10 Custom
Backups Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
CMS Items 2000 10 10,000+
CMS Collections 20 40 40
Fields per Collection 30 60 60
References per Collection 5 10 10
API requests /minute 120 RPM 120 RPM Custom
API access Yes Yes Yes

Feature CMS ($23) Business ($39) Enterprise (Custom)
Per-item publishing and unpublishing Yes Yes Yes
Multi-item publishing and unpublishing Yes Yes Yes
Scheduled publishing Yes Yes Yes
Dynamic custom code embeds Yes Yes Yes
RSS feed Yes Yes Yes
Monthly visits 250 300 Custom
CDN Global Global Custom
Bandwidth 200 GB 400 GB Custom
Uptime Standard agreement Standard agreement SLA
301 redirects Yes Yes Yes
Sitemap controls Yes Yes Yes
Schema markup support Yes Yes Yes
Open Graph meta tags Yes Yes Yes
Structured search support Yes Yes Yes
Pre-built interactions Yes Yes Yes
Trigger-based interactions Yes Yes Yes
After Effects Lottie integration Yes Yes Yes
Two-factor authentication Yes Yes Yes
DDoS protection Basic DoS protection Basic DoS protection Advanced DDoS protection
Single sign-on - - Yes
Custom security headers - - Yes
Custom SSL certificates - - Yes
Private webflow.io staging - - Yes
Billing Credit card billing Credit card billing Pay by invoice
Customer support Email Email Customer success manager
Training Webflow University Webflow University Guided onboarding


  • Includes features like frequent site search indexing, form file upload, and more, catering to detailed and interactive website requirements.
  • Facilitates up to 10 content editors, streamlining workflows and enabling efficient management of complex digital content by large teams.
  • Offers scalability with over 10,000 CMS items, supporting high-traffic websites with 300,000 monthly visits and 400 GB bandwidth, ideal for content-heavy sites and expanding online platforms.

Looking to maximize your website's potential with Webflow's Business Plan? Tunel Studio can help you leverage its features for optimal results.

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FAQ about Webflow’s Business Site Plan


What is the difference between Webflow workspace and site plan?

Workspace plans focus on team collaboration; site plans, like the Business Plan, offer specific website features and hosting.


What is the Webflow site plan?

A Webflow site plan includes hosting and tools for website design, development, and management.


How much does it cost to build a Webflow website?

Costs vary; the Business Plan is $39/month billed yearly, exclusive of design and development work.


Is Webflow good for SEO?

Yes, Webflow has built-in SEO tools to optimize site visibility and ranking.


Do Webflow site plans include hosting?

Yes, all Webflow site plans, including the Business Plan, come with integrated hosting services.