Webflow Localization Pricing & Plans

Webflow Localization Pricing & PlansWebflow Localization Pricing & Plans
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Whether you're an industry professional, an existing Webflow user, or someone exploring localization options, this guide aims to shed light on the value Webflow Localization brings to the table. This article examines its costs, features and benefits.

To learn more about all the features and benefits of the various Webflow plans, check out our comprehensive Webflow pricing article.

Localization Plans - Detailed Analysis

Webflow's localization feature is structured to cater to diverse business sizes and needs, ensuring scalability and flexibility:

Plan Monthly Price Locales CMS Localization Static Page Localization SEO Additional
Essential $9/locale Up to 3 Yes Yes Yes -
Advanced $29/locale Up to 5 Yes Yes Yes Asset Localization,
Localized URLs
Enterprise Custom Custom Yes Yes Yes Full Integration with Webflow Enterprise

Webflow Localization - Essential Plan


  • Billed Yearly - $9 per locale/month
  • Billed Monthly - $12 per locale/month

Ideal For

Small businesses or startups venturing into new markets.

Key Features

  • Locales: Support for up to 3 locales (main locale does not count in the additional 3 locales), allowing for a basic yet effective multi-regional presence.
  • Machine-Powered Translation: Streamlines the initial translation process, making it efficient and quick.
  • CMS and Static Page Localization: Offers flexibility in translating both dynamic (CMS) and static content.
  • Localized SEO: Enhances the site’s visibility in local search engines, crucial for targeting specific markets.

This plan is an affordable entry point for businesses taking their first steps in global expansion.

Webflow Localization - Advanced Plan


  • Billed Yearly - $29 per locale/month
  • Billed Monthly - $35 per locale/month

Ideal For

Medium-sized businesses or professional websites requiring a more comprehensive localization strategy.

Key Features

  • Increased Locale Support: Adds up to 5 locales, catering to a broader international audience.
  • Asset Localization: Enables localization of website assets, providing a more tailored user experience.
  • Localized URLs: Supports SEO efforts by offering region-specific URLs.
  • Automatic Visitor Routing: Directs users to the appropriate localized version based on their location.

This plan balances advanced localization features with affordability, perfect for businesses expanding their international reach.

Webflow Localization - Enterprise Plan


Customized based on specific business requirements; contact Webflow for details.

Designed For

Large corporations or enterprises with extensive, global localization needs.

Key Features

  • Custom Locale Options: Tailors the number of locales to match the scale of the business.
  • Style Localization: Provides the ability to customize styles for different regions, ensuring brand consistency.
  • Customizable Element Visibility: Offers control over which elements appear in different localized versions.
  • Enterprise Scale: Supports large-scale localization efforts with robust infrastructure.
  • Full Integration with Webflow Enterprise: Seamlessly combines localization with Webflow’s enterprise-level features.

Webflow's Enterprise plan is the ultimate solution for businesses requiring a comprehensive, global localization strategy with a high degree of customization and support.

Each of these plans is crafted to meet the varying needs of businesses at different stages of their global expansion journey. From basic to comprehensive solutions, Webflow's localization offerings ensure that there's a fit for every business size and requirement.

Webflow Localization Case Studies

The real-world impact of Webflow's localization feature is best illustrated through actual case studies:

Sojern's Experience: Digital marketing firm Sojern switched to Webflow Localization, cutting localized site-building time from 32 hours to just 30 minutes, showcasing Webflow's efficiency for rapid global deployment.

"...previously it took 32+ hours to build a single localized site…this now takes 30 minutes at most…" — Laura Barker, Senior Creative Manager, Sojern​​.

Sweven.design's Global Traffic Boost: This branding and web design agency used Webflow Localization to boost clients' SEO and global visibility, benefiting from its seamless integration and easy setup.

“Webflow Localization has made the process so much easier with fully localized SEO right out of the box, saving us a lot of time while boosting organic visibility for our clients." — Darren Harroff & Keith Lichtie, Co-Founders, Sweven.design​​.

Shadow Digital's Enhanced Visual Development: Focused on enterprise migrations, Shadow Digital harnessed Webflow Localization with its Designer and CMS for high-quality, brand-aligned localized sites, highlighting Webflow’s strength in visual development for international markets.

“With Localization, we can now seamlessly harness the power of Webflow’s Designer and CMS for localized sites..." — Yannick Lorenz, Founder, Shadow Digital​​.

These case studies vividly demonstrate how Webflow Localization can streamline workflows, enhance global discoverability, and maintain high design standards, making it a powerful tool for businesses aiming to expand their international footprint.

Continue reading the full in-depth article on Webflow.

Comparison with Competitors



  • Limited to Translation: Squarespace focuses mainly on translation, lacking full localization features.
  • Weglot Integration: Available on specific versions for streamlined translation, but manual translation is required otherwise.
  • SEO Advantages: Automatic hreflang tags are added with Weglot, aiding in multilingual SEO.
  • Language Restrictions: Some site elements, like the checkout page, are limited to one language.


  • Weglot: Offers a free plan for one language and up to 2,000 words, with paid plans available for larger sites or multiple languages, detailed on their pricing page



  • Extensive Localization: Translates content, adapts graphics, and modifies content to suit target market preferences, ensuring comprehensive localization.
  • Developer Support: Offers internationalization, allowing developers to prepare themes/plugins for translation.
  • SEO and Compliance: Addresses SEO in multiple languages and adheres to local regulations for a legally compliant presence.


  • TranslatePress Plugin: Offers a range of plans starting at €7.99/month (billed yearly) for a single site with an advanced translation interface, SEO Pack Addon, and support for multiple languages. Business ($13.99/month) and Developer ($22.99/month) plans are available for more extensive needs, including additional add-ons and support for more sites.



  • Wix Multilingual: Allows site translation and communication with visitors in multiple languages to expand market reach and boost traffic.
  • Design Consistency: Maintain the same site layout across languages and localize with photos and videos.
  • SEO Optimization: Rank higher in search engines for each language with Wix's SEO tools targeting specific markets.
  • Subdomain for Languages: Create local subdomains for languages, like es.yoursite.com, enhancing online visibility.
  • User Experience: Design a customizable language menu and redirect visitors to their preferred language version automatically.
  • Translation Options: Translate manually, with collaborators, or use machine translation with built-in Google Translate.


  • Free to Install: Wix Multilingual is free to install, with 3,000 free word credits for auto-translation provided upon installation. Additional costs may apply for more extensive translation needs and professional services.


  • Webflow Localization offers scalable solutions for businesses of all sizes, with plans designed to meet various global expansion needs.
  • Pricing indicates that Webflow offers a middle ground between the free and premium services of its competitors, with plans tailored for different levels of market engagement.
  • Compared to Squarespace's translation focus and WordPress's developer-oriented approach, Webflow offers a balanced solution for design-centric businesses seeking efficient, integrated localization.

Ready to take your business global? Contact Tunel Studio for expert localization strategies that bridge languages and markets.

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FAQ about Webflow Localization Pricing


What is Localization in a Web App?

Localization in a web app refers to the process of adapting a website to different languages and regional specifics to cater to various global audiences. This goes beyond mere translation, encompassing cultural nuances, design adjustments, and local preferences to ensure the app resonates with users in different regions.


Does Webflow Support Localization?

Yes, Webflow supports localization. It offers a robust set of tools that allow you to create and manage multi-language versions of your site, ensuring your content is accessible and relevant to audiences worldwide.


How Much Does Webflow Charge for Localization?

Webflow offers three main localization plans: Basic ($9), Advanced ($29), and Enterprise (Custom Price). Pricing for each plan is structured to match the range of features provided, with costs increasing from Basic to Enterprise to reflect the enhanced capabilities offered at each level.


Can I Upgrade My Existing Webflow Plan for Localization?

Yes, you can upgrade your existing Webflow plan to include localization features. Upgrading is a straightforward process and can be tailored to your specific requirements for global market expansion.


What are the Key Benefits of Using Webflow for Localization?

Key benefits include ease of use, integrated SEO features for localized content, streamlined workflows for fast deployment, and the ability to maintain high-quality design standards across different languages and regions.