Webflow Starter Site Plan

Webflow Starter Site PlanWebflow Starter Site Plan
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The Webflow Starter Site Plan is a free plan designed for individuals new to Webflow or those working on basic projects. It falls into the category of General site plans and provides essential Webflow functionalities, making it a great starting point for learning and experimenting with the platform.

Check out our in-depth Webflow pricing article to see all of Webflow's options.

Starter Site Plan Costs

Completely free with no hidden costs. The only condition is to register for an account on Webflow and you are good to go.

Who Is It Suited For?

  • Web Design Novices: Perfect for individuals taking their first steps in the world of web design and online creativity.
  • Hobbyists and Personal Use: Ideal for hobbyists or those needing a simple online presence, like showcasing personal interests or projects.
  • Students and Learners: A great choice for students or anyone seeking to understand the basics of web design and development.

What You Can Use It For?

  • Educational Tool: Utilize as a learning platform to grasp the fundamentals of web design and Webflow's functionalities.
  • Portfolio Development: Ideal for crafting basic portfolio websites to display your work or skills.
  • Web Design Experiments: Experiment and test creative web design ideas without the commitment to a paid plan.

Key Features of the Starter (Free) Site Plan

  • Two Static Pages: Host up to two static pages.
  • 50 CMS Items: Manage a limited number of CMS items for basic content structures.
  • Webflow.io Domain: Publish your site on a Webflow.io subdomain.
  • 1000 Monthly Visits: Suitable for low-traffic personal or hobby sites.

Limitations of the Starter (Free) Site Plan

  • No Custom Domain Publishing: The plan does not allow for publishing on a custom domain, only on Webflow.io subdomains.
  • Webflow Branding: Unable to remove the 'Made in Webflow' badge from the site.
  • No Custom Code Integration: Lacks the ability to add custom code, limiting advanced customization and functionality.

Starter vs. Basic vs. CMS Site Plan Comparison

Feature Starter (Free) Basic ($14) CMS ($23)
Publish to webflow.io Yes Yes Yes
Publish to a custom domain - Yes Yes
Remove Webflow badge - Yes Yes
Publishing workflows - - -
Publish summary - - -
Static pages 2 150 150
Form submissions 50/lifetime 500/month 1000/month
Localization preview Yes Yes Yes
Site password protection - Yes Yes
Page password protection - Yes -
Custom code - Yes Yes
Site search - - Yes
Search indexing frequency - - Auto: 72 hours Manual: Daily
Form file upload - - -
User Accounts 100 20 20
Logic flows 2 Logic flows; 100 flow executions/month 20 Logic flows; 10,000 flow executions/month 20 Logic flows; 10,000 flow executions/month
Content editors - - 3
Backups Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
CMS Items 50 - 2000
CMS Collections 20 - 20
Fields per Collection 30 - 30
References per Collection 5 - 5
API requests /minute 60 RPM - 120 RPM
API access Yes - Yes

Feature Starter (Free) Basic ($14) CMS ($23)
Per-item publishing and unpublishing - - Yes
Multi-item publishing and unpublishing - - Yes
Scheduled publishing - - Yes
Dynamic custom code embeds - - Yes
RSS feed - - Yes
Monthly visits 1 250 250
CDN Global Global Global
Bandwidth 1 GB 50 GB 200 GB
Uptime Standard agreement Standard agreement Standard agreement
301 redirects - Yes Yes
Sitemap controls - Yes Yes
Schema markup support - Yes Yes
Open Graph meta tags - Yes Yes
Structured search support - Yes Yes
Pre-built interactions Yes Yes Yes
Trigger-based interactions Yes Yes Yes
After Effects Lottie integration Yes Yes Yes
Two-factor authentication Yes Yes Yes
DDoS protection Basic DoS protection Basic DoS protection Basic DoS protection
Single sign-on - - -
Custom security headers - - -
Custom SSL certificates - - -
Private webflow.io staging - - -
Billing Credit card billing Credit card billing Credit card billing
Customer support Email Email Email
Training Webflow University Webflow University Webflow University


  • An accessible entry point for beginners to Webflow, perfect for learning and small personal projects.
  • Offers essential functionalities for basic web design, with limitations suitable for non-commercial use.
  • Provides a foundation to understand Webflow before upgrading to more feature-rich plans.

Need guidance on starting with Webflow's free plan or deciding when to upgrade? Contact Tunel Studio for expert advice and tailored web design solutions.

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FAQ about Webflow’s Starter (Free) Site Plan


What are the limitations of the Webflow starter plan?

Limited to two static pages, 50 CMS items, no custom domain, and Webflow branding remains on the site.


Is Webflow free good?

Yes, for beginners and small projects, Webflow's free plan offers essential tools and features to start with web design.


How do I get a free Webflow plan?

Sign up on Webflow's website; the free plan is automatically available with no cost involved.


Can I host my own Webflow site?

Webflow sites can be hosted on Webflow's platform, but external hosting requires exporting the site's code.


Is Webflow good for beginners?

Webflow is beginner-friendly, offering a visual interface and resources like Webflow University for learning.